
7 Best Salesforce Apps Every Organization Should Use in 2023

Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that offers various business solutions. The Salesforce AppExchange is a marketplace of third-party apps and add-ons that can be integrated into Salesforce to enhance its functionality. Until the first quarter of 2023, Salesforce's AppExchange reached a milestone of 4,600 apps and add-ons with 10 million installations. The platform offers a galaxy of apps for various industries, from banking to real estate, to enrich Salesforce's core CRM product. 

In today's digital age, integrating apps from the Salesforce AppExchange can enhance productivity and maximize investment. With over three years of partnership with Salesforce, CloudCache Consulting can recommend critical apps to amplify clients' CRM experiences.

7 Best Salesforce Apps Every Organization Should Use in 2023

Formstack — Salesforce Document Generation App

Formstack is a Salesforce document generation app that merges data from Salesforce records into Word, PDF, PowerPoint, or Excel templates to create professional-looking documents such as contracts, invoices, proposals, and reports. With multiple delivery options and Salesforce1 Mobile compatibility, Formstack streamlines workflows and enhances productivity. Subscription costs depend on the number of unique templates and merges per month. CloudCache Consulting can assist in selecting the appropriate plan and offer Salesforce integration services to set up the templates.

Mailchimp — Salesforce Mass Email and Contact List Synchronization  App

Mailchimp for Salesforce provides a solution for clients looking for targeted email marketing. By syncing Mailchimp and Salesforce, you can segment data inside and manage your contacts, access marketing tools, and view campaign stats and subscriber activity history. Setting the syncing criteria within Salesforce and tying it to an existing Mailchimp list allows for automatic daily updates of contacts. Available for various editions, the integration requires API access and may hurt Salesforce API call volumes when used with the built-in integration.

PhoneIQ — Salesforce Phone Integration App

Phone IQ is a telephony app that allows Salesforce users to enhance their outbound call efficiency by clicking to dial a contact's phone number directly from Salesforce, which is immediately captured. This app provides fully integrated voice, video, and messaging across desktop and mobile, including automatic call logging, screen pop, auto-dialling, and more. It is cloud-based and available for Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, and Performance editions of Salesforce, with pricing starting at $25/user/month and going up to $75/user/month, depending on the desired features, and with training and onboarding included.

ZoomInfo — Salesforce Sales Intelligence App

Sales intelligence is crucial to the success of Salesforce. With ZoomInfo integration, users can search and add contact or company information to their Salesforce database. The tool also allows for updating or enhancing existing accounts with fresh insights. ZoomInfo can help uncover emerging opportunities, personalize conversations, and provide predictive intelligence. The app is available in various editions and has no additional system requirements. However, a separate Salesforce REST API is required for automated data enrichment, but only for users who require REST API access.

BOFC, aka Bulk Object Field Creator

BOFC is a Salesforce admin tool designed for bulk functions, such as adding up to 200 fields at once, deleting, and updating fields. It analyzes the most and least used fields in the database. The app is available for various editions of Salesforce and has no specific system requirements. Although there is usually a subscription cost, it's custom.

Duplicate Check — Salesforce Data Cleansing App

Duplicate data is a common issue across organizations, affecting data quality and taking time to resolve. Although Salesforce has the duplicate check for contacts and companies, it is done manually on a record-by-record basis. The Duplicate Check app generates reports to view duplicates and can auto-merge them. It also works with custom objects and is compatible with Salesforce Shield. The app is available in various editions and has no additional system requirements. The most popular plan is Advanced, which costs $299 annually for unlimited Salesforce users.

Salesforce Org Doctor — An Admin Tool

Salesforce Org Doctor is a free tool that examines your organization and produces a PDF report on its health. It measures metrics against best-practice benchmarks, such as API versions and test coverage. The tool also identifies unused objects and record types to simplify your organization and provides insights into system usage. It can be used to check the health of your sandbox organization before deployment.

Final words

Leveraging Salesforce apps can be a time-consuming process. At CloudCache Consulting, we understand the importance of finding the right apps that align with your business needs and requirements. Our team has vetted and verified hundreds of apps that are easy to use, cost-effective, and will significantly aid in the day-to-day use of Salesforce. You can access these apps from the Salesforce AppExchange library as well. Trust us to help you find the right solutions for your organization and take your Salesforce experience to the next level.You can check about our past work experience on Upwork or visit our client success story page.

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