monday.com implementation for a manufacturing company

About The Company

Our client was a big manufacturing company operated globally.

Customer Challenges:

The client faced operational challenges due to an outdated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. As the business grew, it became increasingly difficult for the team to manage customer interactions, track sales leads, and handle repetitive tasks that could have been automated. The client’s existing CRM posed several limitations that directly impacted the productivity and efficiency of their team:

  • Lack of User-Friendliness: The old CRM was difficult to navigate, resulting in low user adoption across departments. The complex interface hindered the team’s ability to manage day-to-day tasks efficiently.
  • No Integration with Existing Tools: The previous CRM did not integrate with the company’s existing tools, making it difficult for the team to automate tasks and cut unnecessary workloads.
  • Time-Consuming Manual Processes: Many of the repetitive tasks needed to be automated, which led to wasted time on administrative tasks instead of focusing on core business activities. This had a direct impact on the company’s customer experience, as client queries and requests were often delayed due to inefficiencies.


After thoroughly analyzing the client's processes and challenges, it became clear that an upgrade to a more advanced CRM was necessary. We recommended monday.com’s CRM, which seemed to be an ideal fit for the client's needs. The solution was carefully tailored to improve ease of use, automate processes, and foster collaboration across teams. Key aspects of the solution included:

  • Customized CRM Implementation: A tailored monday.com CRM was implemented to meet the company’s specific needs, offering a user-friendly interface that allowed employees to adapt and make informed decisions quickly.
  • Seamless Migration: The transition from the old CRM to the new system was smooth, with all previous databases, including customer tickets, successfully migrated without any data loss.
  • Cross-functionality and Collaboration: With the new CRM, various departments could easily collaborate and access relevant information. Teams could track project progress from start to finish, ensuring transparency and accountability across functions.


The implementation of monday.com’s CRM delivered impressive results for the manufacturing company, significantly improving team productivity and overall operational efficiency. Within the first quarter, the client witnessed the following changes:

  • 3 Hours Saved Per Week Per Employee: By automating repetitive manual tasks, each employee saved approximately three hours per week, which was redirected to more value-added activities.
  • Automation and Reporting: Repetitive manual processes were automated, significantly reducing administrative tasks. The client could now generate ready-to-use reports for both internal and external stakeholders, saving time and improving decision-making.
  • Centralized Database Management: All customer data, leads, and communications were centralized in the new CRM. This provided easy access to critical information, enabling the team to track the status of leads and opportunities in real time.

Key Stats

10X Increase in Productivity
90% Increase in Client Satisfaction
2X Surge in new users within

Technology and Tools Used:


Final Words

By leveraging monday.com CRM, the client was able to transform their operational efficiency and drive business growth. The customized solution tailored by CloudCache Consulting automated time-consuming tasks, improved team collaboration, and significantly increased customer satisfaction. The client now has a scalable system in place that can grow with their business while continuously enhancing productivity and customer service.

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